WELCOME to the getaway capital of texas!
The communities around Lake Whitney and its sister, Lake Aquilla, harbor a treasure trove of fun things to do and see! We welcome visitors and hope to see you soon!
Located just off the beaten path between Dallas/Fort Worth and Waco, the Lake Whitney area offers a wide variety of adventure opportunities, from outdoor adventures like camping, hiking, and fishing, to indoor adventures like shopping, dining, and live theatre.
Discover what Lake Whitney has to offer!

Upcoming Events
Discover Lake Whitney is a production of Punk Poultry Media, a local graphic and web design firm. This site is a continual work in progress, created and maintained with input from local Chambers of Commerce, local businesses & organizations, local citizens, and (most importantly) local contributors!
Our primary mission is to showcase our communities via a practical, user-friendly resource for visitors and day-trippers.